Tree Maintenance

Professional Tree Maintenance Services Throughout Oahu

One of property owners' best options to keep their property looking fabulous is to have the trees routinely maintained by the trained professionals at Tahitian Tree Service Inc. in Waimanalo, HI. When left to grow without proper care, trees can quickly become overgrown. Once this happens, its health will begin to suffer, decreasing potential growth and allowing older branches to weaken and break during storms. So, before that happens, call 808-259-9709 and schedule our team to remove old and damaged branches before they become a problem later on.

Our Tree Care Services Include

  • Tree Trimming
  • Tree Pruning
  • Palm Trimming
  • Root Pruning

Reduce Your Liability by Having Your Palm Trimmed

As with any tree on your property, if your palm tree is not properly maintained, it can open you up to potential liability, especially if they are growing coconuts. Over time, as the coconuts get heavier, there is a chance that they can become loose and fall unto someone passing below. Our team aims to help by providing routine maintenance to your property's palm tree by removing old and dead fronds and any coconuts that have started to rot or have become too heavy to be adequately supported.

We’re here to help keep your trees looking amazing! Simply call 808-259-9709 to discuss your tree care needs.

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